
How to create an electronic signature in word 2007
How to create an electronic signature in word 2007

how to create an electronic signature in word 2007 how to create an electronic signature in word 2007

O 3 Click "Security" and select "Digital Signatures." O 1 Open your document in Microsoft Word.

How to create an electronic signature in word 2007 how to#

Attach an Electronic Signature using Microsoft Word 2003 How to Add a Digital Signature in an MS Word Document A digital signature can refer to two different thingsusing a simple electronic version of your regular hand-written signature, or using a digital signing certificate to add an encrypted stamp of authentication to a document. Click "Change" to select an alternate name and certificate, and select "Sign." 2. Select "Sign" if you want to use the name and certificate that appears. O 6 Review the name and certificate that appear in the "Sign" dialog box. O 5 Type a reason for the digital signature in the field provided. To use any of these services to digitally sign your document, you must either purchase them or download a free trial. O 4 Click "OK" to use the default digital signature or choose "Signature Services from the Office Marketplace," to go to a Microsoft web site that maintains a list of third-party signature services integrated with Microsoft Office, and links to web sites for more information. O 2 Click the "Office" button in the upper-left corner of the window. Save the file if it is a new document that you have not previously saved. O 1 Open your document in Microsoft Word. One way Microsoft has made it easy to remember business and friendly contacts is the ability to create Electronic Business Cards in Outlook 2007. Attach an electronic signature using Microsoft Word 2007 Please suggest any other option other than this: 1.

How to create an electronic signature in word 2007