If you search for 1234, you will only find bikes with serial numbers of 1234 and serials close to that - not a bike with serial number of 12345689. We do not currently do partial serial searches.Guesswork on the age 'range' of your bike and some Elgin. Does anybody know where I can find a serial number chart for. In this picture 200910427-2A is a manufacturer number and not a serial number Schwinn Bicycles Serial Number Database. The Schwinn serial numbers that date the bike to the fall of 1954 or 1956, but I believe the Serial numbers for 54 and the 56 were located on the Left Rear Dropout - not located on the bottom bracket of the pedal crank housing. Guesswork on the age 'range' of your bike and some Elgin. We do close serial matching - bikes with serial numbers that are close to the serial you entered are shown below the matching results under the heading 'Serial Numbers Close to.' - given a search of a serial number with a couple numbers/letters that are different or missing. Schwinn Serial Numbers Chart Okay, fine, so maybe there are a few bikes without serial numbers, but this is rare and typical only on hand made bikes or really old bicycles. /rebates/&252fhow-to-read-a-schwinn-serial-number.It was a big job, and I am not through yet, but it currently works for most serial numbers that are 6 or 7. This means you can enter a vintage (1948-1982) schwinn serial number and get info about when it was manufactured. Those produced after these dates will usually have a serial number stamped on the bottom bracket shell (the rear axle hanger holding the wheel in place). Searching for either M4106I9CA1 or 200910427-2A will find the bike. I have taken all the schwinn serial numbers from several databases and made a tool that automatically searches for it. Look for the serial number on the lower head tube (right above the wheel on the front of the bike) for Schwinns produced between 19. If you see multiple numbers on a bicycle - such as in the photo of the Look bike above - try searching for just one of the numbers at a time. We split bike serials up by spaces and store each separately.We treat all these numbers the same way - a search for 005LLL will match a bike with the serial OOS111. Certain numbers and letters are difficult or impossible to distinguish between (e.g.We've done a few things to make it more likely that you'll find the bike you're looking for.